ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
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Vladimir Sitnikov spoke about the development of agricultural education in the North Caucasus Federal District at the Caucasian Investment Forum
Vladimir Sitnikov spoke about the development of agricultural education in the North Caucasus Federal District at the Caucasian Investment Forum

The key areas of development of the North Caucasus Federal District and the role of universities in this mission were discussed at the Caucasian Investment Forum.

The meeting was attended by heads of universities participating in the Priority 2030 program. In 2021, Stavropol State University became one of the pilot universities selected for the program. Over the past period, the university has more than tripled the number of students enrolled in additional education programs, the share of foreign students has increased and strategic projects have been launched, one of which is the Institute of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding with its own Center for Agrobiotechnology.

During the thematic round table, Rector Vladimir Sitnikov spoke about the current developments of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of genetics and breeding of animals and plants, the dynamics in the work on microcloning technology and the cultivation of virus-free planting material, developments in the field of seed production. More and more business representatives come to the university with a specific product order, and the network of strategic partners is expanding.

— Higher education institutions of the North Caucasus Federal District are a powerful catalyst for strategic decision—making for economic growth and strengthening the investment potential of the macroregion. I am sure we are moving in the right direction. We will coordinate our work with the universities of the district and bring the North Caucasus to the top of the National Investment Climate Rating,» said Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of the StGAU.