ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Vladimir Sitnikov visited the pilot school of the Agroclasses project
Vladimir Sitnikov visited the pilot school of the Agroclasses project

Together with the head of the Kirovsky District Nikolai Novopashin and local agricultural producers, the rector of the SSAU, Vladimir Sitnikov, visited secondary school No. 3 in Sovetskaya Stanitsa.

In total, this year agroclasses will appear on the basis of 8 rural schools of the region. Their key task is to show students the prospects of working in the agro—industrial complex, instill a love of agriculture from school and pump up the competencies necessary for the further development of a high-quality specialist. 

The educational process in agricultural classes will be built according to a new model: depending on the district, the specialties taught will differ, determined based on the requests of local enterprises and the specifics of the agricultural complex of the territory. Some of the classes will be held at the facilities of partner enterprises of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

— I am sure that with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Governor Vladimir Vladimirova, we will build a new highly effective link between school, business and university, which will allow us to train real professionals who are ready to return to their small homeland and develop the agro—industrial complex, — said Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of StGAU.