ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
The StGAU conducted research on the domestic cross of turkeys
The StGAU conducted research on the domestic cross of turkeys

An open practical lesson for future zootechnicians was held in the laboratory of Veterinary Medical Expertise of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology with the participation of a strategic partner — the Breeding and Genetic Center «North Caucasus Zonal Experimental Station for Poultry Farming». 

Students under the guidance of scientists conducted research on anatomical cutting, organoleptic evaluation and study of the biochemical composition of turkey meat of domestic breeding. The information obtained will allow further work to be carried out on the creation of a new cross, which will take its rightful place in the market within a few years.  

For reference:

  Over the past five years, Russia has risen in the world ranking of turkey meat production from seventh to third place. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this year the production of turkey production compared to last year should increase to 420 thousand tons, and by 2030 — to reach 650 thousand tons.