ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
В СтГАУ прошло профориентационное мероприятие для воспитанников детского дома
В СтГАУ прошло профориентационное мероприятие для воспитанников детского дома

Students and teachers of the Institute of Secondary Vocational Education organized an educational event and an excursion for the pupils of the Rosinka social shelter.

The volunteers gave the children a tour of the university — they showed the rich library fund, modern laboratories and a sports complex. The event provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the Federal project «Professionalism» and its directions. The students learned more about the possibility of choosing a future profession, skills and knowledge that they will be able to obtain at Stavropol State University.

— We are glad that we were able to show children how fascinating the world of knowledge can be, — said Oksana Ryakhovskaya, Director of the Institute of SPO.