ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
A "Front-line light" was held in the SSAU
A «Front-line light» was held in the SSAU

In the series of festive events on May 8, dedicated to the great date of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the traditional and already eighth «Front-Line Light», held in the «Winter Garden», occupies a special place.

     The event was attended by home front workers, war children, labor veterans, who participated in it with great long-awaited joy.

    In unison with the festive mood of the participants of the event, there was an introductory address by the first Vice-Rector of the SSAU, Ivan Atanov, who, on behalf of the rector of the university and on his own behalf, warmly congratulated those present, and in their person all veterans of the university, on the upcoming great holiday. 

      In his speech, the leader of the «Front-Line Light», Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University Guzynin N.G. stressed that the Soviet Union made a decisive contribution to the heroic Victory in World War II, opposing almost the whole of Europe and in the name of achieving it, losing about 30 million human lives, accounting for 42% of all human losses in this war.

      Many speakers recalled with heartfelt warmth and with deep pride the heroic deeds of their relatives during the Great Patriotic War. The speeches of the participants of the event suggested that we «remember, are proud and honor» the immortal feat of the Soviet people in this largest war in the history of mankind, and this is especially evident in the heroic achievements of Russian soldiers in the battle in Ukraine, who with dignity continue the military glory of the heroic generation of the Great Patriotic War. And to the living participants of the Great Patriotic War Bugaichenko N.V. and Leshchenko A. E., whose life biography was directly connected with our university, wishes for health and long life were expressed.

     A special festive note was brought to this joyful event by wartime songs, beautifully performed by the creative studios «Full Face» and «Provence».