ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
International Activities
StGAU scientists spoke at the forum "Strong Family — Great Russia"
StGAU scientists spoke at the forum «Strong Family — Great Russia»

The XI Forum of the World Russian People's Council «Strong Family — Great Russia» was held. Doctors of Economics, Professors Olga Kusakina and Yulia Sklyarova took part from Stavropol State University.

The mission of the forum was to consolidate and intensify initiatives in the field of promoting the ideas of patriotism and supporting traditional spiritual and moral values of the family as the basis of sovereignty and spiritual identity of Russia. The organizers are the International Public Organization «World Russian People's Council» (Moscow), the Stavropol Metropolia, the Government of the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal University.

In the report «Sources of formation of human capital in rural areas» Olga Kusakina said that the main sources of formation of human capital in rural areas are public investments and personal incomes of citizens, and the source of formation of social and spiritual components of human capital is the family.

Yulia Sklyarova, in her speech on the topic «Financial accessibility as the most important factor in rural development», noted that rural development is the basis of the country's economic and food security. For rural residents living in remote rural areas, the issues of ensuring the availability of financial services are the main priority within the framework of integrated rural development, with a special emphasis on remote channels for the provision of services and services.  

The economic stability of Russia became the focus of the forum's special attention. Separately, issues related to the support of the families of the participants of the SVO, the spiritual and professional-psychological rehabilitation of combat invalids were considered. It was also about the phenomenon of an increasingly large-scale volunteer movement aimed at providing full support to defenders of the Fatherland.