ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
StGAU students work as combine harvesters at the harvest
StGAU students work as combine harvesters at the harvest

As part of practical training, students take an active part in harvesting in Stavropol.

One of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology is currently interning at the agroholding «Steppe» as an assistant to a combine harvester. Stepan is one of the largest agricultural companies in the South of Russia and develops business in four key areas, one of which is crop production.

Students also continue to work in the educational and experimental farm of the SSAU. Its area is more than nine thousand hectares of land, including five thousand arable land. Every year, more than three thousand students of various specialties and directions undergo training and production practices on the basis of an educational and experimental farm, helping in harvesting and conducting research.

— Despite the abnormal heat, the harvesting campaign in Stavropol is going on normally and is nearing the final. We continue to study, work and make a common contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of our country! — said the rector of the SSAU Vladimir Sitnikov.