ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
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Ssau students spent the day in the Duma of the city of Stavropol
Ssau students spent the day in the Duma of the city of Stavropol

As part of the practice-oriented training, students of the Faculty of Economics of the SSAU visited the Stavropol City Duma. The students were accompanied by Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Candidate of Law Vladimir Maksimov, who conducted a small lesson right in the walls of the Duma. 

Such an approach to the organization of classes is of particular importance, since after graduation, students of the «State and Municipal Administration» training direction will continue their careers in representative, executive, supervisory and other state and municipal authorities. 

During the lesson, Alexander Kurylenko, Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol City Duma, member of the Committee on Legality, Local Self-government and Civil Society Development, spoke with future civil servants. He revealed to the students the specifics of the organization of local self-government, explained the structure of municipal authorities in the regional center, and also clarified some practical aspects of the formation and functioning of local self-government in the city district.

 The first-year students got their first experience of cooperation with representatives of future potential jobs, took another step towards their professional dream.