ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
StGAU students attended the All-Russian tourist rally "Mayevka"
StGAU students attended the All-Russian tourist rally «Mayevka»

The second All-Russian tourist rally «Mayevka. More than a journey.»

The participants of the rally were 1,000 beginners and experienced tourists of different levels of professional training from 89 subjects of the Russian Federation. Students of Stavropol State University took an active part in the organization and activities of the rally.

Within the framework of the event, a program was organized dedicated to the development of educational hiking tourism in Russia, discussing the organization of educational educational trips in Russia. The participants visited a complex of sports events, a climbing wall, a tea ceremony, a rope town and creative workshops, and also climbed Mashuk and Beshtau.

At the end of the «May Day», tourists strapped carabiners to a tourist rope — a symbol of unity and new routes — and took an oath, giving the start to the hiking season.