ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
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Students of Stavropol State University held an environmental action in an orphanage
Students of Stavropol State University held an environmental action in an orphanage

An environmental event organized in support of the IV season of the International Children's and Youth Award «Ecology is everyone's business» was held in the orphanage No. 9.

The action was attended by Mikhail Babansky, Director of the TSLATI branch in the Stavropol Territory, employees of the North Caucasus Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor, young Dynamo-SUOR football players and students of the Ecology and Nature Management direction. Together with the children, they planted blue fir trees on the territory and hung bird feeders. Also, an eco-lesson was held for the children of the orphanage, where they talked about environmental problems, ways to protect the environment and the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor «Ecology is everyone's business» — the Rosprirodnadzor award for interesting, non—standard ideas, initiatives and projects dedicated to environmental conservation, respect for nature and popularization of ecological culture. The event is held annually and involves children, youth and adults in the environmental agenda, encourages their activity in the fight for a clean planet.