ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
A student of StGAU spoke at the final stage of the Web technology championship
A student of StGAU spoke at the final stage of the Web technology championship

The final stage of the «Professionals» championship on the competence of «Web technologies» was held in Kaluga.

The mission of the championship is to create conditions and a motivation system that contribute to increasing the importance and prestige of working professions, professional growth of young people by harmonizing best practices and professional skills, as well as promoting prompt and effective staffing of various sectors of the economy.

The contestants from 76 regions of Russia took part in the Web Technologies competence. Stavropol State University was presented by Ilya Tsatsalov, a student of the specialty «Information Systems and Programming» at the Institute of Vocational Education and Training, under the guidance of teacher Anastasia Skorochkina.

During the three days of the competition, the participants showed their knowledge and skills in design, layout and programming. The contestants presented to the experts solutions for user interface development cases (using HTML/CSS technologies, without using frameworks), client-side web applications (implementation of a SPA application that will interact with an already developed API) and server-side (implementation of a REST API of a given structure). The final task was to work in the «Speed Task» format, during which it was necessary to solve the maximum number of small tasks using various technologies.