ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Ставропольский ГАУ вошел в ТОП-5 инновационных вузов по экспертной оценке «Социоцентра»
Ставропольский ГАУ вошел в ТОП-5 инновационных вузов по экспертной оценке «Социоцентра»

The experts of the Sociocenter, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, selected the best practices of universities participating in the strategic academic leadership program «Priority 2030».

The program has been implemented at the university since its launch in 2021. During this time, the transformation has affected the university's policy in all areas. A systematic scientific, technical, personnel, infrastructural and educational partnership with the leading scientific centers and enterprises of the country has been organized. The Institute of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding and the Center for Agrobiotechnology have been established. Recruitment for 14 new educational programs has been carried out, including the Master's program «Rural Development Project Management», implemented jointly with MGIMO. 

According to the results of the expert session, StGAU became one of the strongest universities in the nomination «Best practice of the management system of research and innovation policies». The whole range of measures for the organization of scientific and innovative work was evaluated: the choice of research topics, interaction with business, financial support for scientists.

The experience of external expertise of the University's research and development will be included in the Collection of Best Practices of the Strategic Academic Leadership program «Priority 2030» in 2024.

This achievement is followed by a lot of work on the transformation of approaches to science and development: every scientific work is now based on the prism of business interests and turns into a real product in demand by the economy. Especially for this purpose, we include experts from high-tech agricultural holdings in the scientific and technical council,» said Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of the SSAU.