ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Stavropol GAU became a gathering place for the Movement of the First
Stavropol GAU became a gathering place for the Movement of the First

The opening ceremony of the II Meeting of the Regional Branch of the Movement of the First Stavropol Territory «Uniting Dreams» was held at the Boiling Point of the StGAU.

The All-Russian public–state movement of Children and Youth «Movement of the First» is the largest community of children, adolescents and adults in the Russian Federation, uniting state and public institutions to form a unified educational environment for schoolchildren and students of professional educational organizations. The meetings are held with the aim of patriotic education of young citizens, creating a platform for uniting activists of the Movement of the First, organizing project activities to motivate peers to socially significant activities.

The participants of the event were schoolchildren, students of technical schools and colleges from all districts of Stavropol. Within the framework of the Meeting, a single field of communication and interaction will be created for representatives of children's, youth and youth public organizations. An extensive educational and awareness-raising program has been organized to develop their leadership skills. The participants will discuss the formats of events for the primary and local branches of the Movement of the First, which will help in the implementation of the fundamental theses of the program. The results of the project session will be taken over by the Council of the regional branch of the Movement of the First.  

The honorary guests of the opening ceremony of the Rally were Ilya Yurchishin, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the Movement of the First of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of the StGAU, Maria Smagina, Minister of Education of the Stavropol Territory, Vyacheslav Korshun, Minister of Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory, Ivan Ulyanchenko, head of the Stavropol City, and Elena Buksha, Assistant to the Governor of the Stavropol Territory for Education.

— Within the framework of the program, every year we focus on the development of the Movement and its participants in Stavropol. This time, we will pay special attention to the development of Russian spiritual and moral values in children through involvement in project sessions and business games. Of course, let's sum up the first results of the work of the Stavropol Firsts team, outline new goals and objectives for the year,» said Ilya Yurchishin, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the Stavropol Territory Firsts Movement.