ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Stavropol State Agrarian University presented unique laboratories at the international exhibition "PRO APPLE 2024"
Stavropol State Agrarian University presented unique laboratories at the international exhibition «PRO APPLE 2024»

The 6th international exhibition of technologies for growing, storing and marketing of fruit and berry products «PRO APPLE 2024» was held in Mineralnye Vody.

The exhibition with an area of more than 20 thousand square meters demonstrated new products and the best achievements in the field of horticulture and nursery. At the stand of Stavropol Agrarian University, participants were able to get acquainted with the capacities of the innovative laboratories of the Center for Agrobiotechnology, which allow performing up to 300 different analyses of plants and soil, including laboratories for PCR diagnostics of plants and soil microbiology. Special emphasis was placed on a unique service for the microclonal cultivation of seedlings of fruit and stone crops.

As part of the event, StGAU scientists also attended conferences, seminars and master classes conducted by leading experts and scientists from Russia and other countries of the world. Interaction with representatives of business and science made it possible to exchange experiences, discuss key industry problems and identify new vectors for the development of industrial horticulture and nursery production in Russia.

— For us, as a supplier of personnel in the agro-industrial complex, the exhibition-forum site is a unique opportunity to once again strengthen existing ties and build new business relationships with potential partners, federal retail chains, research centers, manufacturers, — said Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of StGAU.