ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
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Stavropol volleyball players went to conquer China
Stavropol volleyball players went to conquer China

Athletes will take part in the Chinese-Russian volleyball Games among men's student teams.

The national team of the Kolos student sports club from Stavropol State Agrarian University will play in a friendly volleyball tournament among Russian-Chinese student teams. Symbolic «Friendship Games» will be held in the Chinese city of Harbin. 

Stavropol's rivals include teams from the Harbin Institute of Physical Education and the Northeastern University of Forestry. The teams of Belgorod and Far Eastern Agrarian Universities and Polytechnic University will also participate in the competition. In total, Stavropol residents will have to play 5 matches within the framework of the Chinese-Russian games. 

— Our volleyball players have already made themselves known on the world stage by showing a high level of preparation, cohesion and team spirit at the World University Championship in Paris. I am sure that participation in the Chinese-Russian volleyball Games will allow our athletes to gain invaluable experience for new victories,» commented Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of the SSAU.