ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
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Specialists of the Federal Treasury Department held a lecture for students of the SSAU
Specialists of the Federal Treasury Department held a lecture for students of the SSAU

At the invitation of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, an open lecture of the Federal Treasury Department in the Stavropol Territory for future financiers and economists was held.

Oksana Barannik, Head of the Organizational and Analytical Department, and Olga Tarasova, Head of the Control and Audit Department in the socio-economic sphere, told the students about the implementation of internal state financial control. Special attention was paid to the regulatory and legal foundations of the organization of control measures and gave practical examples of violations detected during inspections. Also during the event, they discussed employment opportunities that are relevant for most students, told about the skills and abilities acquired during their work in the Federal Treasury, career development, competitiveness in the labor market and the attractiveness of the state civil service.

— The 100th anniversary of the formation of control and audit bodies, which is celebrated in 2023, is certainly an important and significant date in the history of financial management of the Russian state. For a short period of 30 years by historical standards, the Treasury of Russia has grown into one of the main financial institutions of the country, becoming by now a pillar of the state and a conductor of state decisions in the financial and budgetary sphere, — said Oksana Barannik, head of the organizational and analytical Department of the Federal Treasury Department for the Stavropol Territory.