ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Stavropol Governor Vladimir Vladimirov noted the developments of the students of StGAU
Stavropol Governor Vladimir Vladimirov noted the developments of the students of StGAU

With the support of the head of the region, the opening ceremony of the regional Center for Technological Entrepreneurship was held, at which students of Stavropol State University presented their projects.

The projects of the residents of the center were devoted to topical areas in medicine, information technology and agriculture. Among the first to demonstrate their developments to Vladimir Vladimirovich were students of the Engineering and Technology Faculty of StGAU Artem Radchenko and Vitaly Komogorov. They presented a rover for agriculture, which has already entered the TOP 10 agrotech startups in Russia, and a mini tractor «Stavropol». The head of the region got acquainted with the developments and expressed his willingness to support new student startups.

— At the university, we systematically provide comprehensive assistance to our talents, including creating design teams, design bureaus under the guidance of leading researchers and teachers. I am convinced that the regional center will strengthen its work in this area and inspire young people to create new progressive solutions for the economy and agriculture of the country,» said Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of StGAU.