ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles
35.04.06 Agroengineering (Master)
Control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles
Стоимость обучения в год:
140 500 ₽
Очная форма
60 000 ₽
Заочная форма
Количество мест:
Бюджетные очные
Бюджетные заочные
Коммерческие очные
Коммерческие заочные
Целевые очные
Целевые заочные
Форма обучения и срок:
Предыдущее образование:
Electric power
Описание программы:

The main goal of the master's program "Control Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" is to train highly qualified specialists capable of operating unmanned aerial vehicles at a highly professional level.

The master's program is implemented in a full-time format, built on the widespread use of such educational technologies as VR technologies, computer simulation technologies.

Что я буду изучать:

Competitive advantages of the master's program "Unmanned aerial vehicle control systems" - the lack of programs of this profile in the country, with the undoubted demand for specialists capable of developing and operating unmanned aerial vehicles

Профильные дисциплины, обязательные для изучения:
  • general disciplines of the profile (Computer, network and information technologies, Computer modeling of electrical systems, Technological innovations in the field of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture, Business foreign language, Modern research methods in agricultural engineering, Organizational behavior)
  • echnical operation of unmanned aerial systems (Maintenance elements of unmanned aircraft and their components, Diagnostics and repair of unmanned aircraft systems and their components, Maintenance of unmanned aircraft, Radio receivers and radio transmitters, Automated control systems)
  • Flight operation of unmanned aerial systems and information processing (Manual piloting of unmanned aircraft, Autonomous piloting unmanned aerial vehicles, Technical processing of information)
Дисциплины по выбору студентов:
  • Research Methodology
  • Scientific research in agricultural engineering
Где я буду проходить практику

Practical training in the disciplines of the modules is carried out in the innovative divisions of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Stavropol State Agrarian University - Center "Unmanned Aviation in the AIC

Educational and experimental farm, practices (name of practices) - on the basis of such enterprises as AGROdom LLC, Krasnodar

STILSOFT company, agro-industrial enterprises of the Stavropol Territory

Где и кем я буду работать:

Head of the department for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles of agro-industrial enterprises