ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Power supply systems for cities, industrial enterprises, agriculture and their facilities
13.03.02 Electricity and electrical engineering (Bachelor's Degree)
Power supply systems for cities, industrial enterprises, agriculture and their facilities
проходной балл
Минимальный балл ЕГЭ для обязательных предметов:
Russian language
Mathematics (profile exam)
Минимальный балл ЕГЭ для предметов по выбору:
Informatics and ICT
Максимальные проходные баллы прошлых лет:
Стоимость обучения в год:
132 000 ₽
Очная форма
53 000 ₽
Заочная форма
Количество мест:
Бюджетные очные
Коммерческие очные
Бюджетные заочные
Коммерческие заочные
Целевые очные
Целевые заочные
Форма обучения и срок:
Предыдущее образование:
Secondary vocational, general secondary
Electric power
Описание программы:

The educational program of higher education in the direction of training 13.03.02 Electric power and electrical engineering / Power supply systems for cities, industrial enterprises, agriculture, and their facilities was developed in accordance with:

1. the federal state educational standard of higher education - bachelor's degree in the field of study 13.03.02 Electric power and electrical engineering, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 22.02.2018 No. 144;

2. professional standards:

– 16.147 Professional standard. Specialist in the field of designing power supply systems for capital construction projects. Approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2021 No. 590n.

– 20.032 Professional standard “Employee for maintenance of electrical grid substation equipment”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2021 No. 611n

– 40.011 Professional standard. Research and development specialist. Approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2014 No. 121n

The term of development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education is:

- full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, is 4 years;

- in full-time part-time or part-time forms of study, regardless of the educational technologies used, increased by 6 months compared to the period of education in full-time education and is 4 years and 6 months;

Upon successful completion of the program in the field of study 13.03.02 Electric power and electrical engineering, the graduate is awarded the qualification "Bachelor".

Что я буду изучать:

The implementation of the educational program together with employers' organizations allows for a practice-oriented approach in education, the introduction of various forms of interaction with employers and practical training on their basis form the student's necessary experience of interaction in work collectives, the skills to solve various professional problems and a clear procedure for organizing work on workplace.

A powerful material and technical base, created and modernized by leading specialized enterprises and organizations, ensuring the conduct of the educational process, research and development work at a high level of quality, which is reflected in the topics of term papers (projects), final qualifying works, research topics, performed by scientific and pedagogical workers involved in the implementation of the educational program.

Updating the content of the educational program is carried out taking into account the requirements and recommendations of employers, involving students in the professional environment and applying a practice-oriented approach in working conditions at the employer's production sites.

Профильные дисциплины, обязательные для изучения:
  • Введение в специальностьЭкономика электроэнергетикиЭлектробезопасностьЭлектрическая часть электростанций и подстанцийЭлектроэнергетические системы и сетиРелейная защита и автоматизация электроэнергетических системЭлектроснабжениеПереходные процессы в электроэнергетических системахОсновы эксплуатации электрооборудования систем электроснабженияРежимы работы электрооборудования систем электроснабженияТехника высоких напряженийРеконструкция электрических сетейАвтономные системы электроснабженияАвтоматика
  • Надежность электроснабженияДиагностика электроэнергетического оборудованияРемонт электрооборудованияМонтаж электрооборудованияОрганизация и управление электросетевыми предприятиямиЭнергосбытовая деятельностьПодготовка и ведениенормативно-технической документации
Дисциплины по выбору студентов:
  • Технико-экономические расчеты в энергетик
  • Математические задачи электроэнергетики
Где я буду проходить практику

Western electrical networks of the branch of PJSC "Rosseti North Caucasus" - "STAVROPOLENERGO".

JSC Teploset, Stavropol

JSC "Elektroavtomatika"

Где и кем я буду работать:

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment;

Design engineer;

Maintenance and repair engineer;

Development department engineer;

Research Engineer;

Enterprise power engineer.

Выдающиеся выпускники

Lygin Ivan Viktorovich

chief designer - head of the design bureau of electrochemical protection of Energomera Concern JSC. Enthusiastically engaged in science, winner of various competitions. Graduated from the university with honors.