ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Environmental protection and environmental safety
05.03.06 Ecology and nature management (Bachelor's degree)
Environmental protection and environmental safety
проходной балл
Минимальный балл ЕГЭ для обязательных предметов:
Russian language
Минимальный балл ЕГЭ для предметов по выбору:
Mathematics (profile exam)
Максимальные проходные баллы прошлых лет:
Стоимость обучения в год:
132 000 ₽
Очная форма
53 000 ₽
Заочная форма
Количество мест:
Бюджетные очные
Бюджетные заочные
Коммерческие очные
Коммерческие заочные
Целевые очные
Целевые заочные
Форма обучения и срок:
Предыдущее образование:
Secondary vocational, general secondary
Institute of Agrobiology and Natural Resources
Описание программы:

The educational program of higher education in the field of study 05.03.06 Ecology and nature management (bachelor's degree) was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education - bachelor's degree in the field of study 05.03.06. Ecology and nature management, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2020 No. 894.

The educational program of higher education is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results) and organizational and pedagogical conditions, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, a calendar curriculum, work programs of academic disciplines (modules), work programs of practices, a state final program certification, assessment and methodological materials, as well as a working program of education, a calendar plan for educational work, certification forms.

The educational program has been developed taking into account the development of science, culture, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere, as well as taking into account the needs of the regional labor market.

The main purpose of the characteristics of OP VO in the direction of training 05.03.06. Ecology and nature management (profile "Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety") - to help students, scientific and pedagogical workers, experts to understand the structure of the educational process; to present the formed competencies of the graduate, as well as to justify the need for an educational program.

Mission of the educational program of the direction of training 05.03.06. Ecology and nature management (profile "Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety") - meeting the needs of educational and research organizations, public authorities and subjects of the real sector of the economy in highly qualified specialists in the field of nature management.

The concept of EP HE is based on a competency-based approach to the expected learning outcomes and is focused on solving the following tasks:

- focus on a multi-level education system;

- choice by students of individual educational trajectories;

- practice-oriented training, which allows to combine fundamental knowledge with practical skills in the field of training;

- formation of university graduates' readiness for active professional and social activities.

In the field of education, the goal of EP VO in the direction of training 05.03.06. Ecology and nature management (profile "Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety") is the formation of social and personal qualities of students: purposefulness, self-organization, self-development, diligence, responsibility, citizenship, communication, tolerance, improving their general culture.

In the field of training, the goal of EP VO in the direction of training 05.03.06. Ecology and nature management (profile "Environmental protection and environmental safety") is: the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the formation of competencies in graduates necessary for the implementation of professional activities; formation of the ability to acquire new knowledge, psychological readiness to change the type and nature of one's professional activity and providing the graduate with the opportunity to continue education; ensuring the diversity of educational opportunities for students, the choice of an individual education program; providing training for specialists who are able to be flexible and active in changing labor market conditions for areas of activity related to the competence of a process engineer in the manufacturing sector.

The main tasks to be solved in the process of implementing the educational program in this area: implementation of a competency-based approach in the formation of graduates' competencies based on a combination of contact work of students with a teacher and in the form of independent work of students; provision of educational services to students based on educational materials and documents of the educational program that contribute to the development of their personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies; ensuring the innovative nature of master's training based on the search for the optimal balance between established traditions and modern approaches to the organization of the educational process.

Educational activities in EP HE are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation.

Areas of professional activity and (or) areas of professional activity in which a graduate who has mastered the program can carry out professional activities:

01 Education and science (in the areas of: education; scientific research in the field of ecology, nature management, geoecology, sustainable development, nature protection);

13 Agriculture (in the field of agro-amelioration);

15 Fish farming and fishing (in the field of hydrobiology and hydrochemistry);

40 Cross-cutting professional activities in industry (in the areas of: environmental safety in industry

Что я буду изучать:

Advantages of the educational program of the direction of training "Ecology and nature management" in the Stavropol State Agrarian University:

- availability of budget places

- affordable tuition (122,700 rubles)

- highly qualified teaching staff

- Availability of specialized laboratories, equipped with computers; IR Fourier spectrometer FSM-1202; bidistilator BS; bath BKL water 1,5l 1-place. with email tiles; conductometric multitest analyzer KSL-111; Spectrophotometer UNICO 1200/1201; software Microsoft Desktop, Education AllLng License/Software Assurance Pack Academic OLV 1License LevelE, Enterprise 1Year Kaspersky Total Security Russian Edition. 1000-1499 Node 1 year, Educational Renewal License.;

- close partnerships with specialized employers in the Stavropol Territory.

The analysis of the needs of the specialized labor market allows us to conclude that employers are not interested in a specialist who has classical knowledge in the field of ecology and nature management.

In this regard, there is a need to develop a unique educational offer that allows graduates to enter new labor markets. The focus on developing competencies in the field of ecology and nature management, which makes it possible to provide environmental research in production, makes graduates in demand in regional and international markets.

The need to train new staffing for the industry, in the context of digitalization of ecology and nature management, led to the renewal of the educational program "Environmental Protection" to train specialists who are able to apply new approaches and digital technologies in solving problems in this area.

In accordance with the results of the analysis of the profile regional labor market and with the requirements of professional standards, the following goals of the educational program 05.03.06 Ecology and nature management / Environmental protection and environmental safety of the 2021 set were determined:

- obtaining practical knowledge about ecological systems and features, their functioning in conditions of increasing anthropogenic load; formation and development of applied ecology, its role in the formation of the technosphere; about methods of ecological analysis

- fostering conviction in the need for rational nature management, careful attitude to natural resources and the environment, and one's own health; respect for the opinion of the opponent when discussing environmental problems;

- using the acquired knowledge and skills in ecology in everyday life to assess the consequences of one's activities (and the activities of other people) in relation to the environment, the health of other people and one's own health;

- possession of the skills to think logically, justify the place and role of environmental knowledge in the practical activities of people, the development of modern technologies; determine the state of ecological systems in nature and in the conditions of urban and rural settlements; conduct observations of natural and artificial ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes.

Профильные дисциплины, обязательные для изучения:
  • Legal basis for nature management and environmental protection
  • General ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • The doctrine of the atmosphere
  • The doctrine of the hydrosphere
  • The doctrine of the biosphere
  • GIS in ecology and nature management
  • resource science
  • Fundamentals of nature management
  • Regional and sectoral nature management
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Environmental Research Methods
  • Fundamentals of scientific research in ecology and nature management
  • Technogenic systems and environmental risks
  • Landscape and ecological planning for the optimization of nature management
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Regulation and reduction of environmental pollution
  • Environmental Safety
  • environmental protection
  • Fundamentals of environmental management
  • Sustainable development
  • human ecology
  • Environmental certification
Дисциплины по выбору студентов:
  • Industrial Ecology/Engineering Environmental Protection
  • Integrated environmental assessment of the territory / Integrated environmental assessment of the enterprise
  • Ecological expertise/Environmental expertise of enterprises
Где я буду проходить практику

Enterprises and institutions associated with laboratory research and testing, development of environmental and environmental documentation, knowledge of industrial and environmental safety: FGBU "TsLATI for the Southern Federal District" - TsLATI for the Stavropol Territory, Stavropol, LLC "Ecological Explorer", Stavropol, Stavropol TsGMS - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "North Caucasian UGMS", Stavropol, LLC "EcoProject", Stavropol, LLC "Center for Environmental Monitoring", Stavropol, MUE "Vodokanal", Stavropol

Где и кем я буду работать:

The modern labor market is characterized by dynamism and innovative requirements for specialists. To ensure high-quality training of specialists at a competitive level, the university implements modular educational programs based on competencies. This allows you to update or replace certain modules in a timely manner when the requirements for a specialist change due to changes in the organization of work.

Radical transformations in the field of ecology and nature management have taken place in Russia due to a sharp weakening of the managerial, and above all control, functions of the state in the field of nature management and environmental protection, a high share of the shadow economy in the use of natural resources, a low level of environmental consciousness and environmental culture of the country's population .

The use of active forms and methods of teaching the educational program 05.03.06 Ecology and nature management / Environmental protection and environmental safety in the formation and development of professional competencies of students takes into account the great importance necessary for a competitive professional in modern conditions, when it is beneficial for employers to have a highly qualified, mobile , a well-mannered, adapted employee who knows how to make decisions in standard and non-standard situations, who owns modern technologies.

In the implementation of the development of the educational program, interdisciplinary interaction is used - this is a complex relationship between the content of individual academic disciplines, through which the internal unity of the training program is achieved.

The graduate of the educational program 05.03.06 Ecology and Nature Management/Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety is subject to requirements that allow him to be competitive in modern conditions: professional qualifications; communicative readiness; developed ability of new approaches in solving professional problems; ability to navigate in non-standard conditions and situations; analyze the problems of environmental protection and ecological safety; develop an action plan and implement it; have a stable positive attitude towards their profession; master scientific methods; know the laws, economics and management in the field of professional activity; understand the essence and trend of scientific and technological progress.

An analysis of the demand for and employment opportunities for graduates whose professional activities are carried out in the direction of training Ecology and nature management shows that the main labor activity takes place in organizational, managerial, design, production and technological areas.

According to the results of the analysis of employers' requests for personnel in the field of ecology, the following competencies are most in demand:

The ability to use the capabilities of a PC for the purpose of conducting professional activities, incl. good knowledge of Microsoft Office software;

Ability to work with a large amount of information;

Ability to exercise control over compliance with the requirements of the current environmental legislation at enterprises;

The ability to design, represent, protect and disseminate the results of their professional and research activities;

Ability to apply basic methods of environmental research to solve problems of professional activity;

The ability to take part in the environmental support of production at enterprises;

The ability to conduct an environmental analysis of expansion projects, reconstruction, modernization of existing industries, new technologies and equipment being created in the organization.

The field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program includes:

- design, survey, research, production, marketing, consulting, economic, legal, training, expert departments, departments, bureaus, centers, firms, companies, institutions involved in environmental protection;

- federal executive authorities, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of nature protection and nature management;

- services for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, for environmental safety and environmental policy, services of the environmental monitoring system, environmental services of industries and local governments, treatment facilities, chemical analytical laboratories, farms, bodies of the system of protected natural areas of various levels and subordination and management of nature management;

- environmental divisions of industrial enterprises;

- research organizations; educational organizations carrying out educational activities; mass media;

- about

Выдающиеся выпускники

Saprykin Igor Alexandrovich

head of the testing laboratory of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsLATI for the Southern Federal District" - TsLATI for the Stavropol Territory, certified expert of Rosprirodnadzor (field of expertise: waste management, air protection)

Evsik Marina Sergeevna

head of the design department of Ecological Conductor LLC, Stavropol