ФГБОУ ВО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Международная деятельность
Agrobiotechnologies in horticulture and nursery
35.04.04 Agronomy (Master)
Agrobiotechnologies in horticulture and nursery
Стоимость обучения в год:
140 500 ₽
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Предыдущее образование:
Institute of Agrobiology and Natural Resources
Описание программы:

The main goal of the master's program 35.04.04 Agronomy, focus "Agrobiotechnologies in horticulture and nursery" - the preparation of graduates capable of self-organization and self-education; implementation of the acquired professional skills in the field of horticulture on the use of modern agricultural technologies for the production of high-quality products and improved planting material for fruit and berry crops based on the in vitro method; conducting scientific research in accordance with a given methodology; evaluation of the economic efficiency of the application of innovative technological methods; ensuring labor safety in the production process and research.

Что я буду изучать:

Competitive advantages of the master's program 35.04.04 Agronomy, specialization "Agrobiotechnologies in horticulture and nursery". A distinctive feature of the master's program is the presence at the university of a modern material and technical base, and the prospect of expanding it in the future, for effective practical training of students, as well as the saturation of the program with specialized specialized disciplines in the field of horticulture, biotechnology and nursery. The presence of highly qualified teaching staff at the university, including employees who combine pedagogical activity with production, will ensure the formation of the necessary competencies in graduates according to the profile of the master's program.

Профильные дисциплины, обязательные для изучения:
  • Intensive gardening
  • Nursery
  • In vitro technologies in horticulture and nursery
  • Nutrition and fertilizer in super-intensive gardens
  • Plant protection in horticulture and nursery and others.
Дисциплины по выбору студентов:
  • Nutrition and fertilizer in super-intensive gardens
  • Nutrition and fertilizer in nursery
  • Plant protection in nursery
  • Biological protection of plants in horticulture
Где я буду проходить практику

Practical training in the disciplines of the modules is carried out in the innovative divisions of the Stavropol State Agrarian University: Horticulture Cluster, which includes an agricultural biotechnology laboratory, 0.12 ha of a super-intensive orchard, 0.14 ha of a strawberry nursery, 1 ha of a mother-cutting orchard, 0.5 ha of a mother liquor clonal rootstocks and a greenhouse complex with an area of 2800 m2, practices - on the basis of such enterprises as Interinvest LLC, Stavropol Gardens Plodoobedinenie LLC, Trunovskiye Sady LLC.

Где и кем я буду работать:

The result of mastering the master's program 35.04.04 Agronomy, in the direction of "Agrobiotechnologies in horticulture and nursery" - the protection of technologies that provide a large yield of high-quality planting material for fruit and berry crops at stages from introduction into culture in vitro to adaptation of seedlings in open ground conditions. Professional training of future specialists will contribute to solving the problem of staffing both existing and new horticultural and nursery farms. Trained specialists will be able to work not only with traditional, but also with new technologies for growing fruit and berry crops.